SILVA, Katleen Hack Da ¹; MORAES, Karina Aires Reinlein Fernandes Couto De ²
Curso do(a) Estudante: Letras-Português-Inglês – Educação e Humanidades – Câmpus Curitiba
Curso do(a) Orientador(a): Letras – Escola de Educação e Humanidades – Câmpus Curitiba

INTRODUCTION: With the search for internationalization processes in Higher Education, Brazilian universities have also begun to incorporate programs that contribute to this learning within each dynamic present in the students’ contexts. AIMS: Based on this, this study sought to investigate the profile and perspective of students enrolled in the Global Classes disciplines offered by the PUCPR Internationalization at Home program, based on a questionnaire answered by 97 students from all schools of the university. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To accomplish this research, the objectives set by the institution were compared to the students’ vision, based on the emotional, motivational, and educational attributions predicted by the authors Bermejo, Lasagabaster (2023); Waterman, Figueiredo and Finardi (2023), Yuksel et al (2023), Baranzeli (2019) and Nunes (2019). The focus of the analysis was to understand as positive the effectiveness of the teaching tools provided to students and their understanding of the program as a contributing factor in their education. RESULTS: The results showed that 70% of the participants’ profile is composed of second-language speakers, which favors emotions of confidence, calm, and enthusiasm about the language and content. However, there are still disruptive emotions that can be motivated by the lack of monitors in the classroom, since there were responses that reinforced their importance, but 66.7% of the students do not have this possibility. Therefore, the enlargement of this safety in the classroom can be a factor that contributes to the increase in students attending the program, given the possibility of learning with greater support. In addition, it was noted that 92% of the students see Global Classes as positive for development, but do not see themselves in an internationalization program, which reinforces the positive effectiveness through motivation and achievement of personal goals and not, in general, through knowledge about aims that the program provides at a cultural level, a factor that can be reinforced. Finally, it is understood that the disciplines offer a favorable basis for integration and acquisition, together with the specific contents of the courses and the dynamics of each area. This can be amplified by knowing the motivations of each student’s social spheres since constructing an adept emotional help in each student’s self-regulation and individual search for acquisition. From the responses, it was observed that the schools of Education and Humanities, Business, Arts, Life Sciences, and Polytechnic have motivations in Ought-to l2 Self (learning because you have to, external factors) in greater quantity and Architecture and Design, Medicine and Law in Ideal l2 self (learning because you want to, internal motivation), showing that there are different profiles related to the use of the foreign language in each profession, which should be recognized. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Thus, it is considered that, through the institution’s methodology and knowledge, all profiles can be reached in an integrative and supportive way, whether by strengthening monitoring and adjusting the use of L2 to motivate students with greater difficulty or by deepening the content, interacting with exchange students and providing intercultural elements for those most interested in developing the language and subject matter of the discipline.

KEYWORDS: 1. Internationalization at Home; 2. Second language teaching; 3. Students; 4. Motivation; 5. Emotions in learning.


  1. Estudante
  2. Orientador
  3. Colaborador
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com bolsa Fundação Araucária Inclusão Social no programa PIBIC.