SANTOS, Nicole Nascimento Gomes ¹; MORAES, Karina Aires Reinlein Fernandes Couto De ²
Curso do(a) Estudante: Letras-Português-Inglês – Educação e Humanidades – Câmpus Curitiba
Curso do(a) Orientador(a): Letras – Escola de Educação e Humanidades – Câmpus Curitiba

INTRODUCTION: The present work is a research report on the theme of internationalization at home, focusing on the perspectives of professors working on the Global Classes program at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR). AIMS: This research’s main objective was to gauge the profile of the professors involved in the Global Classes program, which promotes classes ministered in an additional language, in order to analyze their perceptions and trajectories, comparing them to the university’s purpose regarding internationalization projects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Firstly, bibliographic and documental research was conducted to write the theoretical framework, followed by the elaboration of a semi-structured online questionnaire, which was applied to professors who take part in the program. The data collected through this questionnaire was, then, analyzed based on the bibliographic research. RESULTS: Through the bibliographic and documental research, it was possible to assess how the implementation of the internationalization at home program in the institution happened. Articulating that trajectory with the profile of the participant professors, it was noted that most of them are experienced professionals who are very interested in this area, which has become more relevant in recent years. However, plenty still do not feel secure and/or qualified to minister a class entirely in an additional language. This could be because a lot of them have never taken a course in the area of internationalization, as well as a lack of confidence in their linguistic knowledge. Therefore, the importance of adopting a perspective that decentralizes the native speaker is highlighted. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: It It is believed that, through the present work, it was possible to observe, based on the professors’ perceptions, how the internationalization at home program proposed by PUCPR has been developed. Consequently, this report expands the research on internationalization in Higher Education.

KEYWORDS: 1. Internationalization; 2. Internationalization at home; 3. Professor; 4. Higher Education Institutions; 5 L2 Learning.


  1. Estudante
  2. Orientador
  3. Colaborador
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com bolsa Fundação Araucária no programa PIBIC.